The Alcoholic Drinks Control Act section 65-67, outlines the input of government bodies, agencies, non governmental organizations, community based groups on promoting public awareness about the health consequences, addictive nature and mortal threat posed by excessive alcohol drink consumption through a comprehensive nationwide education and information campaign.

“We are also drinking more today than we did at the birth of our nation if data from the National Authority for the Campaign against Alcohol and Drugs Abuse NACADA) is anything to go by…” That was a caption from Nation’s Facebook post on 11th June. The recent survey released in May by same authority, it’s worthy noting that alcohol is top on the drugs and substances of abuse listed including tobacco and miraa.

Alcoholic Drink Control Act 2010 section 2 defines alcoholic drink as alcohol, spirit, wine, beer traditional alcoholic drink, and any one or more of such varieties containing one-half of one percent or more of alcohol by volume, including mixed alcoholic drinks, and every liquid or solid, patented or not, containing alcohol, spirits, wine, or beer and capable of being consumed by a human being.

On my recent morning interview on KUTV, under topic of awareness on Non-Communicable Diseases, dubbed AfyaNCD Series, I emphasized fight against alcoholism, smoking, unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. If people and Kenya would want to minimize the cost of therapies, and citizens suffering due to cancer, diabetes and hypertension, then it should check into those risk factors.

I congratulate the Deputy President of Kenya Rigathi Gachagua for his iron fist fight against rampant alcoholism in Mt Kenya region. Quoting responsibility of family duties, unproductivity and drug related crimes due to the addiction of the glass. In May Narok Governor H.E Patrick Ole Ntutu said that he has committed his administration to closely liaising with the national government in the fight against illicit alcohol and drug abuse in Narok County. This is recommended.

Kibra Societal Empowerment, Peace and Budget Champions Organization on 15th May, in their letter to Governor of Nairobi County Sakaja Johnson. The group expressed concerns of drug abuse in Woodley Jamhuri Market and irresponsible alcohol business involving Changaa dens. This prompts civic education and enactment of relevant articles of the law.

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In Maragua Constituency, led by Hon Wamaua, has developed an action plan- OPERATION ONDOA POMBE VIJIJINI. This is a spirited fight against the consumption of illicit brews, drug and substance abuse by our youths, a milestone geared towards recovering the lost generation swallowed by the poison to say the least. Big ups your excellence for that.

The war will effectively and efficiently be won when there is seamless collaboration between the National Government Administration Officers (NGAO), the law enforcement agencies like National Police Service – Kenya, bar owners association as well as the public who are critical in providing essential information whenever such cases of these brews are suspected.

The Alcoholic Drinks Control Act section 65-67, outlines the input of government bodies, agencies, non governmental organizations, community based groups on promoting public awareness about the health consequences, addictive nature and mortal threat posed by excessive alcoholic drink consumption through a comprehensive nationwide education and information campaign.

My Initiative –AfyaFitness20 Healthcare Initiative, founded in hard times of Covid 19, when I was a first year Bsc. Medical Laboratory Student at Kenyatta University has been creating health education. The initiative continues to champion for preventive healthcare. In 2023, I have rolled out a more interactive awareness campaign on Non Communicable Diseases (NCD) through AfyaNCD series campaign; targeting High blood pressure, Diabetes, Cancers, I do post educative videos, articles and sensitization documents on my social media platforms and website. In other instances reaching out to group of individuals over the same. To which I emphasized more on KUTV interview.

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My motive is to let people know binge drinking, taking alcohol on empty stomach, illicit brews, and consuming the drink whose component ratios are unknown, is dangerous. Chronic use of alcohol drinks has a long-term effect to the body. Diabetes and Hypertension result from this. While gastric hemorrhages, acute pancreatitis and death can result from consumption too. In addition to this, some social and domestic issues like crime, family disputes, and responsibility are effects too.

Promoting easy and convenient access to healthcare with a track record, landed me a nomination to FOYA Awards 2023 as Healthpreneur of The Year, this has motivated me to continue creating awareness, sensitization and advocacy on matters to deal with health, lifestyle and mental wellness to vulnerable, school children and community at large. This has greatly transformed a good number of students and community due to the relevance of the health talks in AfyaMashinani Health Outreaches and Education Program by the initiative.

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The whole rampatant alcoholic drink consumption risks a good population to non communicable diseases and complications in the long run. This is more burderning considering the fact that Kenya is still a developing country already faced by Tropical Diseases like malaria and Neglected Tropical Diseases like Leishmaniasis. This still downplays our effort to achieve Standard Development Goal -3, Universal Health Coverage and attainment of Kenya Vision 2030. I urge NACADA, County and National governments, Ministries of Health, Education, Youth and Gender Affairs, including social groups and NGOs to continue the fight. My services as a counsellor are readily available.

Lets continue voting for FOYA AWARDS 2023 as Healthprenuer of the year Under 30 years Category. The voting is ending in 7 days time from today 27th June 2023.



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